Business Improvement District Projects
In the coming months this page will have information about projects that are being considered or have been completed that require the use of Business Improvement District Funds.
At the end of 2019, all of the lights in the trees along Main St. were replaced with LED lighting and reinstalled in the trees using methods that would not injure the trees and would enable Public Works to trim the trees without damaging the lights. This improvement should mean that the need to replace the lights will come far less often This was a team effort by Bob Bowen and Steve Wilkinson with TLC (the folks who put up the lights), Dan Maguire, Eric Lucerno, Carol Sciana, Luis Herrera from the City of Winters (they stripped all the trees of the old lights, fixed the GFI's and made sure there was power to all the poles) and Gino Mediati from Ace Hardware who donated the lights, power cords and more and the Winters Chamber of Commerce who initiated and coordinated the effort.
The downtown area looks far more festive now that all the lights are working and are all the same brightness and color.
The next area of new lighting will be along Railroad Ave.
Stay tuned for more!